He was on his way to the top. World leaders flew him on private jets to consult with him even though he was the leader of a non-profit. His gifts seemed unending. A famous speaker once remarked that this leader had received ten times the gifting of the average non-profit...
You Have Permission to be Creative
Jesus said we should make disciples and he also said he would build his church. After traveling to different places in America and overseas, I have witnessed different expressions of the Church. There are many other ways to have church that I have not personally witnessed. Does the church model...
Back to the Future
The world around us has changed dramatically in the last few years. Who saw COVID coming along with all its far-reaching implications? Part of the changes that came were monumental to the Church in the Western world as well. Churches in some states were shut down for over a year...
Getting Ready for Revival
Many Christians believe America and the world is poised for a revival in the Church and an awakening in the culture. The recent events in Ukraine as well as the past few years of the COVID pandemic have led to even more people expecting a revival in response to the...
Passive, Performance, or Prophetic Leadership
All leaders are motivated by something or someone. It is healthy for leaders to examine their motivation and motives. It is possible to start with the correct motivation and over time to experience motivation drift to a different reason or method for leading. Some leaders are passive leaders. They react to...
Keep It Moving
Jesus intentionally started a movement. He launched a movement that kept moving forward even after his return to heaven. Jesus empowered a small group of followers, and left them with a plan to permeate the entire earth with his message. If you and I had been one of the eleven...