
You Have Permission to be Creative

Jesus said we should make disciples and he also said he would build his church. After traveling to different places in America and overseas, I have witnessed different expressions of the Church. There are many other ways to have church that I have not personally witnessed. Does the church model...

How Big Should a Church Be?

In the 1980’s and 1990’s I was all in for the church growth movement. Bigger is better and everything that is healthy grows, right? I attended a Breaking the 200 Barrier seminar and learned to go from a shepherd to a rancher. It was exciting times. The little church that was 56...

Back to the Future

The world around us has changed dramatically in the last few years. Who saw COVID coming along with all its far-reaching implications? Part of the changes that came were monumental to the Church in the Western world as well. Churches in some states were shut down for over a year...