
Dr. Terry Roberts’ Disseration

ABSTRACT Download the PDF version here. THE HEALTHY PASTOR: SURVIVING IN MINISTRY WITHOUT LOSING YOUR SOUL by Terry L. Roberts The Christian Church is facing a severe problem with ministers finishing early, if at all in their calling. Each month seemingly brings another case of immorality or suicide among prominent...

Are You Part of the 30%?

Early in my leadership, I asked a well-known leader at a question-and-answer session how he stayed emotionally healthy in ministry. He didn’t answer the question very well, and later in his life he was involved in a moral failure. I recognized early on that I would need to address this...

Character or Charisma

He was on his way to the top. World leaders flew him on private jets to consult with him even though he was the leader of a non-profit. His gifts seemed unending. A famous speaker once remarked that this leader had received ten times the gifting of the average non-profit...