Discipleship Communities

When Jesus wanted to change the world, he created a discipleship community of 12 people. He ministered in public and taught the crowds, but he used every opportunity to explain the in-depth meaning of his teaching in-person to his disciples. The primary way Jesus discipled was to be with his...

No Secrets

“And this is the message I proclaim—that the day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus, will judge everyone’s secret life.” (Romans 2:16 NLT) The news is constantly buzzing with the latest scandal among ministers and churches. Recently a high-profile minister admitted he had turned to alcohol in times of stress...

Why 30%?

Early in my leadership, I asked a well-known leader at a question-and-answer session how he stayed emotionally healthy in ministry. He didn’t answer the question very well, and later in his life he was involved in a moral failure. I recognized early on that I would need to address this...