
From Jerusalem To Rome
The Book of Acts is a great story of the early church Jesus started and left in the tiny nation of Israel. He left his unlikely group of disciples with the enormous task of spreading what they knew about Jesus and their experience with him to the entire world. They were successful and not only reached their world, but generations into the future. Approximately 2000 years after he returned to heaven, the church exists in places like South America, Asia and the remotest islands of the earth. In John 17:20, Jesus prayed, “I am praying not only for these disciples, but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.” It worked! How did they do it? In order to understand how this message reached so far, you have to see the book of Acts not just as a history of the early church, but also as a strategy and a pattern.

The Healthy Christian Life
You do not like to be sick. It hinders you from going to work and make living, enjoying your family, and from experiencing the best in life. Being sick also puts a strain on your relationships. Being healthy is so much better.
All these things are true concerning your spiritual health also. Most people do not realize how spiritually unhealthy they are, and how that affects every area of their lives. Your fruitfulness as a Christian depends upon your health. God causes growth by his grace as you keep your life free from the spiritual diseases that hinder you. You continue growing as you learn to feed you life with the nutritional spiritual food found in His word, the Bible. Truth and reality feed your spiritual life like healthy food feeds your physical body.
The Healthy Christian Life is attainable if you pursue the truth of the Scripture, and apply it to your life. As a Christian, the grace and life of God is already inside you. Learn to practice those truths that will keep you strong in him.
My desire is that you not only have a Healthy Christian Life and receive all the benefits that come from that, but also to be such an example that you inspire your family, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances to want to know him more.

Coming Soon: Heaven
Most people are interested in Heaven. Recent movies, books and accounts of personal visits there have made us curious about what is real and what is not. Is there a Heaven? What What is it like? Who gets to go? Will there be animals? Can we eat food there? Those are all some of the questions to which we want answers.
The purpose of this book is to take a fresh look at Heaven and maybe even challenge some of the beliefs and ideas we have held about the afterlife. Our understanding of Heaven might have been shaped by culture, movies, songs, or someone’s vivid imagination. While those stories may make some good “around the campfire” conversations, they may all be untrue.
Hopefully you will be challenged to set aside traditional thinking if you find there is no Biblical basis for it. It is helpful to think outside the box without thinking outside the Bible. in our hearts we desire the eternity God intended. C.S. Lewis said, “If I find myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”
Heaven is a real place and it is coming soon!

Stop Staring Into Heaven
Bible prophecy is very interesting and very important. Most Christians believe we
are approaching the end of the age. Bible prophecy is outined clearly in this book, but it goes beyond information. You will find motivation to do the things that are most important while we wait for that day of. the Lord’s coming. Believers should be alert, holy, and tell as many people around the world as possible the good news of Jesus Christ and his free gift of eternal life.
Online Trainings

Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 – John Maxwell
In 1993, John C. Maxwell’s now-classic work revolutionized the way leaders are made. By examining the differences between leadership styles, Maxwell outlines principles for inspiring, motivating, and influencing others from any type of leadership position–including as a business executive, a church leader, a teacher, or even a parent.Now the author has returned to his best seller to include the leadership insights and practices he has learned in the decades since the book first appeared. Thoroughly revised and with two additional chapters, Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 has updated these foundational principles and promises to provide for both new readers as well as longtime fans of the original book the necessary wisdom to help any leader and organization succeed in fostering integrity, self-discipline, and effecting positive change.Develop your vision. Develop your value. Develop the leader within you.